Dr. Kool‘s

Where Good Neighbors and Good Servicemen Meet

Home Warranty Case Histories

David's Delight

Shortly after David took possession of his new home, his AC quit. He called his home warranty company, and they responded quickly. The serviceman replaced a defective run capacitor, and the unit was up and running. David paid the $60 deductible. The service company was an established firm that uses Flat Rate Pricing for their regular customers. This assignment filled an empty space in the contractor's schedule.

Kristen's Agony

Kristen left a message on my answering machine:

Me and my family have been calling all summer trying to get our air conditioning fixed. And because it wasn't fixed in a timely fashion … So it would be nice if someone would come out here and fix this mess.

She had been dealing with a home warranty company, but called me by mistake. Once Kristen understood, I suggested she cut her losses, and have me straighten things out.

Jane's Surprise

Jane had been renewing her policy 2-3 years. When her air conditioner stopped, she called her home warranty company. They sent their authorized repairman who said she had a bad compressor. But the repairman wanted more for the job than the insurance company was willing to pay. Things came to a standstill. Suddenly the company was willing to use someone other than their authorized repairman. I told Jane I would do the job for what the company would pay—but only if she promised not to renew the policy next year.

Karen's Folly

In the next example, I never did business with Karen, but we exchanged lots of information. Her outdoor condenser was 20 years old, so she kept renewing her policy hoping the dinosaur would crater. She wanted a brand new unit. When the compressor failed, she didn't get the shiny new condenser she was counting on. Instead she got a replacement compressor (the black box that goes inside the condenser).

Not long after that, something else happened: Her outdoor condenser coil started to leak freon. Because the tubing was made of aluminum it could not be repaired, and at last Karen got what she wanted, a new condenser. She didn't tell me, but if the sum total cost of both replacements exceeded the limit, she had to pay the difference.

Jean's Awakening

Jean was tired of dealing with home warranty repairmen. Years ago I had worked for her, and she decided it was time to renew our working relationship. Her unit was 28 years old. A home warranty serviceman had installed a new fan motor on an old condenser—trying to keep the relic running a little longer. The motor he used was designed for indoor use, and water had gotten into the bearings causing premature failure.

Jean was now ready to have the job done right. I replaced both the condenser and matching evaporator coil. She gladly paid me a fair price to do the job.

More unkoolness,

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Dr. Kool

Socialism 101: Never waste a good crisis.Hillary Rodham Clinton
Are You Ready? Therefore be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh.Jesus
Mt. 24:44 KJV
Good For The Soul: Confession is good for the soul, but hard on the reputation.Merle Krafthefer
Kool Kommunity: Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:4
Going for Broke: The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money.Margaret Thatcher
Doing The Right Thing: You can always count on Americans to do the right thing--after they've tried everything else.Winston Churchill
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do, you're misinformed.Mark Twain
Blessings: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.Sir Winston Churchill
Winning: It's really hard to win an argument when you're wrong.Dr Kool
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